Today we held the First Annual Charger Book Cafe at Chapman Heights Elementary. It was a HUGE success!! It's nice when hard work pays off! We had a great group of Mom's that worked hard with Mrs. Solis to make this morning happen! The basic thought behind today was to help build the classroom libraries for the kids at CHES. The kids that brought the books were able to fill out a book plate with their name in the book they donated! The kids loved it. We had a fireman (from Redlands of course!), Officer Thorpe from Yucaipa Sherriff, the Mayor of Yucaipa, several teachers, our principal Mr. Anderson, his secretary Sharon, and oh, can't think of her name,(I will later!) from the library here in Yucaipa that runs the childrens programs! The kids had hot chocolate, hot cider and lots of cookies...they all came in their jammies to listen to stories while sitting in their blankets!! So much fun...I must admit that I was wiped from all the preparing for this day, but seeing the kids and families there made it ALL worth it!!
The kids in Mrs. Solis' class made this sign...there have been many giggles over our welcome sign. It is supposed to be holly leaves, but some think they could be green eyeless reindeer!!

Dempsey read the Gingerbread Man story to the kids...which quickly caused a line at the snack table for our yummy Gingerbread cookies that Kristen brought!! Too cute.

Brody and Sammi were soooooooooooo good for me today! I was running around working and they really enjoyed all the stories! Only one hot chocolate spill I think....oops! Fun times.

Officer Thorpe reading to the kids...he so didn't want to read! He came in to the MPR and said that he thought he was just there to hang out for a little bit. I asked if he could go pick out a book to read to the kids...and he really really didn't want to, then agreed to find the book that would be a quick read! What a sport! I think he ended up having fun!!

The lady (still can't remember her name!) from the library brought the story "The Mitten", one of Brody's favorites! She brought all the pieces of the story and got the kids involved! Carsey (Dempsey's daughter on the right in red), and Madison (next to her in blue) were brought up to help tell the story!

Brody, Sammi and Macy enjoying MORE cookies and MORE stories!!

The Mayor of Yucaipa enjoyed reading to the kids! I just wanted to hug that man! He was sooooo gracious and loved coming to read! Danelle and I went to his office last Monday and gave him less then a week's notice...but he came and was such a sport! I even sat him next to the trashcan while serving him hot chocolate...and he was STILL a nice man! hee hee

I was taking pictures of the Mayor reading and Brody gave me a BIG smile...see him?? :)

A great shot of the Mayor and our principal Mr. Anderson!

The ladies behind the scene...Reina (sitting) and my girlies Kristen and Danelle!!

I loved this picture of Brody listening to the stories...I wish they could stay this size forever!

I was cracking up at Kelly's son Luka, who kept standing while Mr. Anderson was reading! Isn't it the sweetest picture? He just wanted to see the pictures!!
1 comment:
can I just link my blog to your post so I don't have to do one...yours is amazing! I need all the pics!!!!!
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